MOAA National
MOAA is the nation’s largest and most influential association of military officers. It is an independent, nonprofit, politically nonpartisan organization.
With more that 350,000 members from every branch of service – including active duty, National Guard, reserve, retired, former officers, and their families – the Association is a powerful force speaking for a strong national defense and representing the interests of military officers at every stage of their careers.
MOAA’s highest priority is providing first-class service to its members. It is the leading voice on compensation and benefit matters for all members of the military community and provides expert advice and guidance to its members.
The association plays an active role in military personnel matters and especially proposed legislation affecting the career force, the retired community, and veterans of the uniformed services. MOAA’s overarching goals are captured in its resolutions, which reflect the views of the entire membership.
To learn more about MOAA, its mission, membership benefits and its activities, go to moaa.org.