As part of our efforts to educate the greater Houston community on the value of military service to our nation, MOAA-HA contributes resources to a number of outreach programs that touch all veterans and surviving spouses throughout the Houston area. We also collaborate with local universities and high schools that host ROTC and JROTC programs. Some of the more prominent community programs we support are explained further below.
You can also make a contribution to the chapter earmarked for a specific program or directly to the specific program. If you would like to help support these programs, please contact the MOAA-HA liaisons identified below.
- ROTC/JROTC Awards Program
- University of Houston ROTC Scholarship Program
- Junior ROTC Awards Program
- Military Order of the World Wars (MOWW)
Members of the Chapter presented MOAA ROTC and JROTC medals and citations to deserving cadets at seven universities and 115 high schools throughout the greater Houston area.
Personal presentations were made at the cadet award ceremonies of Rice University Air Force Consortium, UH Army ROTC and JROTC. The MOAA ROTC/JROTC awards consist of a medal, service ribbon and attendant certificate. To be eligible for an award, a candidate must be in the next-to-last year of an ROTC or JROTC program; be in good academic standing; be of high moral character; demonstrate a high degree of loyalty to the unit, school and country; and demonstrate exceptional potential for military leadership. Cadets are selected for the awards by the university Professors of Military Science and Tactics and by the senior military instructors of the high school.

University of Houston ROTC Scholarship
As an ongoing commitment to educate young men and women at local Houston area universities about the value of military service, MOAA-HA and the University of Houston (UH) award a cash ROTC scholarship annually from the MOAA-HA endowment fund. The scholarship is available to outstanding cadets who want to become military officers and require tuition assistance to complete their college education. To that end, MOAA-Houston Area and the University of Houston (UH) entered into an agreement to support Army and Air Force ROTC cadets who drill at UH, including Houston Christian University (HCU), Rice, Texas Southern (TSU), Saint Thomas, UH and Prairie View A&M University. UH is one of the strongest supporters of Air Force and Army ROTC in the nation, and the Houston Corps of Cadets is second in number only to Texas A&M. These cadets want to join the ranks of the finest men and women in America by serving in the Armed Forces of the United States.
This scholarship is administered by the UH and is awarded to outstanding cadets selected by the Professor of Military Science and Tactics. Contributions to this endowment fund are deductible for tax purposes. Deadline for nominations is March 31 of each year and may be submitted to the Professor of Miiitary Science and Tactics at the University of Houston.
Junior ROTC
The United States Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (JROTC) came into being in 1916. Once looked at as a source of enlisted recruits and officer candidates, the JROTC program evolved into its current form as a citizenship program devoted to the moral, physical and educational uplift of American youth.
The Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) is a program offered to high schools that teaches students character education, student achievement, wellness, leadership and diversity. It is a cooperative effort between the Military Services and the high schools to produce successful students and citizens, while fostering in each school a more constructive and disciplined learning environment. Additionally, if fosters an understanding of the role the military and other service organizations have played in the history of the Nation.
With the school’s support, the JROTC program achieves these outcomes by using a world-class 21st Century, technology driven, student centered curriculum. The curriculum consists of education in citizenship, leadership, social and communication skills, physical fitness and wellness, geography, and civics. JROTC is a successful program, making substantial contributions to students, schools and communities which benefit greatly from its presence.
The MOAA-Houston Area JROTC awards program recognizes outstanding cadets at 115 high schools located in the greater Houston area. In many cases, MOAA-Houston Area members present these awards at school ceremonies honoring outstanding student-cadets for leadership, scholarly achievements and overall academic performance. Our commitment to the JROTC awards program has been an excellent way for our chapter to gain exposure into the Houston community and, while fostering positive traits among the areas youth, value of the military and service to the nation.
Houston Area Military Affairs Committee (HMAC)
A Member of the MOAA-HA Board is the chairman of HMAC. The Houston Military Affairs Committee, also known as HMAC, is a Houston, Texas-based non-profit organization. The purpose of the committee is to promote the image of the Armed Forces of the United States by providing a forum for relevant speakers, by participating in special events that have local and national significance, and by supporting the activities of both the Active and Reserve Forces of the United Stats of America. In doing so, HMAC has created an organization which will meet the every-changing professional and social needs of its members throughout the Houston area for decades to come. To learn more tap on the link
IMPACT A HERO is recognized as a leading provider of personal growth programs in the Houston area, including but not limited to, leadership, business fundamentals and financial fitness. Its mission to serve active service members, military veterans and their families is a priority rooted in co. organizational values of respect, integrity, honesty, duty, accountability, resourcefulness, loyalty and commitment. To learn more got to the website:
TEXAS COUNCIL OF CHAPTERS (TCC) The Texas Council of Chapters (TCC) is comprised of the member chapters of the Military Officers Association of America of which the Houston Area Chapter is one. The members of these chapters are current, former or retired officers of the U.S. Armed Forces and Uniformed Services and their spouses. The TCC promotes the mission and objectives of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA). It supports and promotes federal and Texas state legislation that will assist veterans, especially disabled and need war veterans and members of the United States Armed Forces and their dependents and the widows and orphans of deceased veterans. To that end, it encourages and coordinates legislative action of the member chapters within the state. To learn more, see its website: